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jtf168: Spring Grazing
2013-6-16 00:27 回復|
jtf168: Paneltim@ Eurotier 2010 (choose: 240p)
2013-6-16 00:26 回復|
jtf168: Grazing Pigs
2013-6-16 00:25 回復|
jtf168: cria porcicola
2013-6-16 00:23 回復|
jtf168: Semen Cardona/ Manresa Innova
2013-6-16 00:22 回復|
jtf168: Trained boars
2013-6-16 00:21 回復|
jtf168: Vacuum system to remove pig manure
2013-6-16 00:20 回復|
jtf168: Pig Races at the Washington County Fair, Lake Elmo, MN, USA
2013-6-16 00:18 回復|
jtf168: Micro-Pigs: The size of kittens, the taste of bacon
2013-6-16 00:18 回復|
jtf168: Dingley Dell Tour
2013-6-16 00:15 回復|
jtf168: instalaciones porcinas
2013-6-16 00:11 回復|
jtf168: BATALLE Pietrain Boars
2013-6-16 00:10 回復|
jtf168: signos dle parto
2013-6-9 19:29 回復|
jtf168: Pregnant pig computer hackers - Clever Critters - BBC Pets & Animals
2013-6-9 19:28 回復|
jtf168: Curly Coated Mangalitza Pigs at the Pink Pig Farm
2013-6-9 19:27 回復|
jtf168: Meat Eating Quality: Lamb, Part 3
2013-6-9 19:25 回復|
jtf168: Meat Eating Quality: Pork, Part 2
2013-6-9 19:25 回復|
jtf168: Meat Eating Quality: Pork, Part 1
2013-6-9 19:25 回復|
jtf168: Pigs at the Farm Sanctuary
2013-6-9 19:23 回復|
jtf168: A Tale of Two Piggies
2013-6-9 19:20 回復|

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